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Home > ACADEMIC RODEO > Awards


Academic Rodeo presents a variety of awards in its contests and recognizes more than 300 students each year for their achievements. The highlight of Academic Rodeo is the recognition of these students at the Academic Rodeo Awards Celebration held in February at the conclusion of the event.

Status of any new Scholarships to be awarded for 2022 will be determined in November 2021. We hope to see this wonderful award opportunity return. Scholarships already awarded in previous years will be paid as planned when students graduate from High School.

Outstanding Educator Nominees receive a Certificate of Recognition. The 3 honorees, 1 from each level, receive an acrylic award .

Other Types of Awards:
Certificates - presented to team members of teams which do not place in team events (Academic Challenge Quiz, Engineering Challenge, Mathletics, Mindset Breaking Experience, and Pentathlon), and to cast and crew of One Act Plays.

Participation Ribbons - presented to any student who does not place in individual contests such as Agriculture Identification, Art Contest, Computer Science Fair, Kinder Critters, Science Fair, Spelling Bee, Writing Contest, and Youth Fashion Show

Place Ribbons - presented to members of placing teams in Academic Challenge Quiz, Engineering Challenge, Mathletics, Mindset Breaking Experience, and Pentathlon; they are also presented to category winners in Youth Fashion Show

All Star Cast Ribbons - presented to up to 10 students in Drama Festival Middle School One Act Play

Honorable Mention ribbons - awarded in Art Contest and Kinder Critters Contest

Special Recognition Art Contest ribbons - up to 6 possible recognitions in each grade level of the Art Contest - Best Black & White, Best Drawing, Best Use of Color, Most Creative, Most Original Concept, Most Suitable Title

Trophies - presented to the winning teams in Academic Challenge Quiz, Engineering Challenge, Mathletics, Mindset Breaking Experience, and Pentathlon; presented to each Class Project in Science Fair, and also presented to each play in One Act Play Festival

Medallions - presented to each 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place winner in Agriculture Identification Contest, Art Contest, Computer Science Fair, High School Drama Festival categories, Kinder Critters Contest, Science Fair, Spelling Bee, and Writing Contest; also presented to High Scoring Mathletics Students, One Act Play Outstanding Performers, High Scoring Pentathlon students in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics, and Division Winners in Youth Fashion Show

Special Recognitions:
Special honors may be given in a contest at the discretion of Academic Rodeo and contest judges. Students or teams receiving these honors or recognitions will receive an appropriate ribbon or certificate.
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