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2024 Academic Rodeo School/Group Contest Registration

You are registering your School or NonSchool Group for CONTESTS only with this form. Students will be registered at a later time through ShoWorks.
Only 1 registration is needed for each School or Group. All Contests of interest should be registered on this form. Please check the Groups Registered document on the Getting Started page to see if your group is already registered for 2024 BEFORE completing this form to avoid confusion and duplication of information.
You MUST read and check the Participation Agreement before submitting.
You MUST check "I'm not a Robot" before submitting.
You will not be able to successfully submit the form IF any required items are not completed.
You should receive an automated email showing what you have submitted. Do NOT reply to that email. For questions, send emails to dnewman@etstatefair.com.

To add additional contests or contest levels, or to drop a contest or a specific level of that contest, use the online ADD/DROP Form on the General Info page. Do NOT complete an additional registration on this form to make changes.
Coaches and Sponsors registered for each Contest will receive an e-mail giving them additional information after October 18.
Participation Agreement

School or Group Information

Register each school campus separately.
If not a public school, type N/A.
List all grades on your campus. or in your group
Used if Primary or Sponsor cannot be reached
List: Name, Level, E-Mail on each line

Create User Account

User Account should be set up as the School or Group.
Check all items under each contest heading that apply to your participation.
When registering more than one Sponsor or Coach for a contest, separate with a comma or a semicolon. If this does not work, use the Add/Drop form to Add the Sponsor.
Please check each contest level or grade in which your group will be competing.
REMEMBER: Drop any contest level or grade by the deadline if your group will not be participating.

Academic Challenge Quiz

ACQ - If participating, uncheck N/A and check all that apply
Separate multiple names with commas
Separate multiple addresses with comma.

Agriculture Identification Contest

Ag ID - If participating, uncheck N/A and check all that apply
Separate multiple names with commas
Separate multiple addresses with comma.

Art Contest

Art Contest - If participating, uncheck N/A and check all that apply
Separate multiple names with commas
Separate multiple addresses with comma.

Computer Science Fair

CSF - If participating, uncheck N/A and check all that apply
CSF Expected Categories
Separate multiple names with commas
Separate multiple addresses with comma.

Drama Festival

Drama - If participating, uncheck N/A and check all that apply
Separate multiple names by comma & list level
Separate multiple addresses with comma.

Engineering Challenge

EC - If participating, uncheck N/A and check all that apply
Separate multiple names with commas & list level
Separate multiple addresses with comma.

Kinder Critters Contest

Separate multiple names with commas
Separate multiple addresses with comma.


Mathletics Teams - If participating, uncheck N/A and check all that apply
Separate multiple names with commas
Separate multiple addresses with comma.

Mindset Breaking Experience

MBE - If participating, uncheck N/A and check all that apply
Separate multiple names with commas & list levels
Separate multiple addresses with comma.


Pentathlon - If participating, uncheck N/A and check all that apply
Separate multiple names with commas & list level
Separate multiple addresses with comma.

Science Fair

Sci Fair - If participating, uncheck N/A and check all that apply
Sci Fair Expected Divisions - If participating, uncheck N/A and check all that apply
Separate multiple names with commas & list level
Separate multiple addresses with comma.

Spelling Bee

Spelling Bee - If participating, uncheck N/A and check all that apply
Separate multiple names with commas & list grade
Separate multiple addresses with comma.

Writing Contest

Writing Contest - If participating, uncheck N/A and check all that apply
Separate multiple names with commas & list grade
Separate multiple addresses with comma.

Youth Fashion Show

YFS - If participating, uncheck N/A and check all that apply
YFS Expected Divisions - If participating, uncheck N/A and check all that apply
Separate multiple names with commas & list level
Separate multiple addresses with comma.
By submitting, you will have registered your group in Contests for the 2023 Academic Rodeo. For any changes, use the Add/Drop Online form (General Info page). Do NOT submit an additional registration that will result in duplication. Do NOT reply to the automated email you will receive after submission.
Students will be registered at a later time using the ShoWorks portal link from the General Info page or each Contest page.
For questions, contact dnewman@etstatefair.com. Do NOT respond to the e-mail notification you receive from this website.
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